Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

Beeld en Concept 2de Periode

de opdracht van dieze periode was naar geluiden fragmenten luistern.
vanaf daar het iederen een eigen standpunt gekeuzt.
mijn was de donkere zijd van de mensen.

everyone of us has it´s dark sides.some people won´t ever let them out, some people don´t even notice they have some and some people can´t hide them because it´s just natural but the life in society just force us to keep them back...otherwise we wouldn´t be able to live together.

anyway,i came pretty fast to this topic as i listened to this crazy sound samples.

immediately i saw a crowded,very colourful loud and fast world with a lot of freaks.
but i didn´t really know what to do with it or how to put it in images that satisfy the pictures in my brain.
so i tried to make collages and an animation that didn´t work out well.

the pictures with the brains and the heart are also to confronting but they are the symbols for how we act.

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