Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007

Serieel Beeld (1te periode)

Endproject was an series of photos where i recreat a blackoutscene caused through alcohol.
My topic was zichtbaar en onzichtbaar, so i thought about what is invisible for us what i am able to make visible.
and a blackout is actually a period of time where something is happening but for the damaged person it is somehow impossible to recreate the happening.

Beeld en Concept (1te Periode)

Mijn onderverb was Muziek en Emoties.
I made two with the topic m+e agression and one with m+e chill....i presented them synchronized on two tv´s.
As well i worked with paintings,drawings and text to express how important music is for me and what it does with my emotions.

Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007

3 D Beeldonderzoeking

In this class we had to "onderzoek"3 different objects well to find in daily life and use.

I chosed scissors,toiletpaper and pencils first.Further we had to onderzoek them for possibilities to see them as an inspiration for a bigger object.

We worked on it in groups so we had to look then which objects(in total 9 with 3 of us)we can put together to create a new object.

We decided to use straws to build something like a big spiderweb and while deciding we especially looked for the possibilities to build the object out of it,the availability of the used object,the way to use it in rythmic patterns,the possibility of playing with the colours and shadows of the object and if it´s to build in a certain period of time.

2 D Beeldonderzoeking

First we started with actpainting.
After that we had to choice our favourite one out of the actpaintings and make associate paintings from it.
From that again we had to find a topic in all our pictures what was "zichtbaar en onzichtbaar" for me.

Sonntag, 16. September 2007

Den Bosch has a lot to show.
A lot of nice and cosy cafes and shops plus open minded people!

Dienstag, 11. September 2007


Our first task at Akv was to investigate Den Bosch about contradictions,e. g. old-new, big-small and so on.
We worked in small groups of around 5 or 6 people.
We choosed DB as either a ugly,trashy, boring and a far too small city or as a very cosy, social and clean one.

As you look from far the town might look small and ugly or boring.
But as youcome closer to the table Den Bosch is indeed very small but also very nice and "heel gezellig"!